Playground Renovation

"Grounds for Joy" 

Outdoor Grounds Capital Improvement Project:

Playground Renovation

Throughout this coming year the Littlebrook grounds and playgrounds will begin to be completely renovated. Thank you to everyone who participated in input surveys, designs are being developed right now! Look forward to town hall meetings in the next month to further provide input in final plans. 

For the past 5 years the PTO Environment Committee have been working with the District on ways to remediate any issues related to school grounds.


2019: The "muddy corridor" between the Kindergarten playground to the back playground was resolved after collaboration to get Gutterman! to do drainage work, paid for by the District. (Frogs did used to live in this wonderful wet environment, but it was not a good environment for mold and kids in the building). A couple platforms were replaced that had been cracked on the rear playground and one net. 


2019 - present: Many agencies (The Watershed Institute, three landscape architects, township arborist and District civil engineer) have been consulted on how to address the drainage issues surrounding the rest of the school, what creates mud puddles and how to make blacktop only recess less crowded. 


2021: The PTO Environment Committee created the Outdoor Capitol Grounds Improvement Committee to finalize a plan to remediate the issues on Littlebrook School Grounds. This project is titled "Grounds for Joy" and has been working with the District for the past year in order to get to this point. The goal in this next year is reduced mud on the grounds, increased blacktop or other play areas for blacktop only recess, removal and remediation of outdated and breaking playground equipment, replacing missing or old soccer nets and basketball nets and new playground structures to enhance recess and outdoor play, as desired by Littlebrook staff and families. District is heavily involved in this project. Funds raised for this project from our community are for enhancements of our structures. 


It's happening now! Littlebrook's grounds will change greatly, beginning in 2023.


 If you would like, please give a tax deductible donation now! 


Look forward to events and fundraising for this wonderful renovation initiative:

Any questions, further information, desire to volunteer, please contact Kati Dunn at or Portia Wong at

You may also contact Littlebrook's Board of Education Representatives, Dafna Kendal ( or Brian McDonald (, to express any concerns related to our school grounds.