Science Expo

The Vision

Imagine a day where bees, lasers, horseshoe crabs, bubbles, chickens, rainbows, and beetles descend upon the school. Or perhaps you hear a loud chemistry explosion, see marshmallow peeps expand, or witness a sorting dance while words like "photosynthesis," "central limit theorem," and "bionic eye" come drifting into the halls.

This is the LB Science Expo, a day where science truly comes alive at Littlebrook! On Friday, May 17, 2024 - talented scientists, parents and community members will volunteer their time to wow our children for the 12th Annual Science Expo.  

Calling all Scientists

The LB Science Expo needs scientists, biologists, mathematicians, engineers, physicians, astronomers, chemists, geneticists, and more, as well as those who have a scientific hobby or passion to contribute! Share an activity and your knowledge and enthusiasm about math or science with our students. 


Here are a few facts about how the Expo works:

Need advice on how to adjust your activity to make it appropriate to various grade levels? Need ideas to ensure it has a hands-on component that will keep kids engaged? Or, have general questions? 

Please email:

Sign up to present at the 2024 Science Expo here!

Volunteers Needed! 

This event would not be possible without an army of volunteers! We always need many non-presenter volunteers to help the day run smoothly.  If you would like to join us in supporting the Expo, please contact